KPMI has several websites with tools and information for Kairos volunteers. is the main website for volunteers, with a huge amount of information, documents, and forms, but there are other online tools.  These are some key links: home page

God’s Special Time Newsletter Read the monthly newsletter for Kairos volunteers and sign up to be notified when a new one is published.

Advanced Kairos Training calendar

Register a Weekend with KPMI

Kairos Acronyms and Terms While the use of these acronyms is not encouraged, this list is helpful if someone else uses them.

Social Media for Volunteers

Note: The KPMI Facebook page is intended for the general public, not volunteers.  Its link is at the bottom of this website, in the dark blue area.

Facebook private group for Kairos volunteers The official Kairos Prison Ministry International Facebook group, designed for Kairos volunteers, guests, and those interested in Kairos Prison Ministry.  Its purpose is to help members gather, socialize, and share information about their Kairos experience.

Kairos Prison Ministry International on Instagram

Facebook private group for Hutchinson Kairos Inside This group is designed for those who serve the Hutchinson, Kansas, Kairos Inside program at the Hutchinson Correctional Facility.

Facebook private group for Kansas Kairos Outside This group is designed for those who serve the Kansas Kairos Outside program, sharing upcoming events and information.

Facebook page for Topeka Kairos Torch This page gives information about the Topeka, Kansas, Kairos Torch program at the Juvenile Correctional Complex in Topeka.

4th Day Movements

Kairos sprang from the Cursillo movement and is supported by volunteers from the 4th Day movements such as Cursillo, National Episcopal Cursillo, Presbyterian Cursillo, Lutheran Via de Cristo, The Upper Room’s Walk To Emmaus, and independently ecumenical Tres Dias as well as volunteers from independent and non-denominational churches.

Kairos volunteers are encouraged to participate in a 4th Day weekend of their choice.  Some opportunities in Kansas are:

Wichita Cursillo

Kansas City Cursillo

Episcopal Cursillo for Kansas

Lutheran Via de Cristo (national website)

Kansas Walk to Emmaus

Kansas City Tres Dias

Please visit our friends’ websites and learn about their ministries.  If you have not already experienced a 4th Day weekend, choose one and find out how you can participate.  You will be blessed!